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Music Theory

Conservatory of Performing Arts

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The analytical, 音乐理论的全面研究为探索和理解音乐作品中的结构和关系提供了有益的机会.

Baldwin Wallace offers a rigorous, theoretical and practical study in music theory. It provides outstanding preparation for graduate school.

Through your studies, you'll gain technical, professional and artistic skills. You'll receive individual attention and faculty mentoring. The faculty-student ratio is 7:1.

In your senior year, 您将完成深入的学术研究和相关工作,以反映研究生水平的学习. 你还将参加提供专业领导机会的实习. 这些令人印象深刻的经历帮助BW的学生获得了顶尖研究生欧博allbet的录取.

BW Conservatory faculty are established professionals with real-world experience, impressive credentials and networking connections.

They're published authors, musicians, composers and researchers. Their interests include Renaissance music, world music, film music, post-tonal theory, pedagogy of music theory and harmonic function, to name a few.

您还将受益于BW靠近克利夫兰-世界著名的克利夫兰管弦乐团的所在地, Great Lakes Theatre Festival, Playhouse Square and more.

  • Keyboard lesson

    Small classes, 个性化的关注和教师指导是BW音乐理论课程的关键部分. BW's faculty-student ratio is 7:1 for the Conservatory of Performing Arts.

  • photo of Steinway piano

    BW是全球拥有全施坦威学院分类的精英音乐学院之一. 这种区别提升了学生的学习体验,因为他们可以使用与音乐厅标准相同质量的乐器来上课和表演.

  • Photo of Boesel Musical Arts Center

    引人注目的博塞尔音乐艺术中心是一个由四栋建筑组成的综合体,里面有50个隔音练习室, instructional space, 练习室和令人印象深刻的排练厅,可以容纳最新的教学和表演技术.

  • Photo showing a Mens Chorus performance

    BW的本科音乐学院为学生提供了宝贵的表演机会, compose, conduct, teach and manage. 校友可以在顶尖的研究生院找到,并受雇于知名组织.

  • Photo of Beth Hiser performing

    BW Conservatory faculty are established professionals with real-world experience, impressive credentials and networking connections. They bring decades of experiences to the classroom, studio and clinical settings.


Many music theory students pursue graduate degrees. 通过BW以文科为重点的课程和音乐学院的课程和实践经验,您将获得出色的准备. Career possibilities include but are not limited to:

  • Composer
  • Arranger
  • Professor


BW表演艺术学院是全球仅有的16所获得全施坦威学校分类的音乐学院之一. 音乐学院的88架施坦威钢琴提升了学生的学习体验,通过在世界各地音乐厅的标准乐器上学习和演奏相同质量的乐器.


Striking Boesel Musical Arts Center 是一座风景如画的四座建筑群,BW表演艺术学院就坐落于此. It's a seamless blend of historic architecture and modern design. The facility houses 50 soundproofed practice rooms, instructional space, 练习室和令人印象深刻的排练厅,可以容纳最新的教学和表演技术.


Innovation, excellence, 出色的实践学习和表演机会使鲍德温华莱士音乐学院成为全国学生的理想选择. 仅限本科生的音乐学院为学生提供了一个特殊的学习环境,让他们在表演中扮演主角, conducting, managing and teaching. Alumni can be found at top graduate schools and working with the best orchestras, operas and theatres. 其他校友被聘为教学、艺术管理和音乐治疗等有回报的职位.



Through your studies, 你将学习运用与其他学科类似的分析方法和探究模式——语言, literary criticism, mathematics and psychology.

Music theory offers an outstanding foundation for graduate school. 它可以作为一个单一的专业或双专业或辅修的配套研究领域.

The music theory major prepares students to:

  • Given a piece of Western art music, be able to identify significant musical structures, relate the procedural narrative created by those structures, 并将美学意义归于构图中过程和结构的运用
  • Demonstrate the ability to analyze, describe, 并模仿离散的音乐风格,使用适当的分析和作曲方法
  • 展示在音乐理论的特定主题上进行和准确记录研究的能力
  • Demonstrate the ability to present the rules of research orally and in writing
Course Catalog

Course Descriptions

课程描述,专业要求和其他信息可以在 University Catalog.


Student success is a top priority. Small class sizes, 个人关注和教师指导是BW音乐学院课程的核心.

Experiential learning bridges classroom study with real-world opportunities. 众多的独奏和部门表演机会使您处于职业准备的最前沿. With more than 325 events a year, the Conservatory offers an impressive array of performance opportunities.

Among small ensembles, BW has a Brass Choir, Percussion Ensemble, Jazz Band and Flute Ensemble, to name just a few.

On a larger scale, competitive auditions are held for positions in BW's Symphony Orchestra, Symphonic Wind Ensemble, Motet Choir and University Choir. 其他令人印象深刻的大型乐团包括交响乐团,BW歌手和妇女合唱团.

音乐学院拥有优秀的校园演出传统,并与地区和国家组织合作. A few examples include:


The three-day campus event is the oldest collegiate Bach Festival in the country. It features lectures, BW performance groups, faculty members and renowned professional soloists and musicians. Baldwin Wallace students consider the unusual opportunity of participating, as colleagues, with world-class professionals a high point in their performing experience. The festival is evolving to include year-round events, such as Bach Haus, that explore Bach's influence on a broad spectrum of music.


两年一度的音乐节以一位当代作曲家的音乐为特色,他访问了鲍德温华莱士,进行为期一周的驻留. At the conclusion of the week's rehearsals and symposia, the composer's music is performed in a series of concerts, including large ensembles and chamber groups.




The Institute houses rare items related to J.S. Bach and his circle, as well as historical reference materials, scores and a collection of classic recordings. 它拥有全国最令人印象深刻的巴洛克手稿和初版之一. It attracts scholars from around the world.


A valuable campus resource, the library offers 18,000 scores, 7,000 books, and more than 10,000 sound and video recordings. 图书馆订阅的在线资源包括100多万首流媒体音频和视频. Help with research is available by appointment, on a walk-in basis or through email.

At Baldwin Wallace, 你将在一个充满挑战和激励你走向成功的支持性社区中体验个人和职业的成长.


  • The University of Rochester - Eastman School of Music
  • The University of Cincinnati College-Conservatory of Music
  • Jacobs School of Music at Indiana University
  • Yale University School of Music
  • Brandeis University
  • The University of Michigan School of Music
  • Westminster Choir College
  • The University of Colorado at Boulder College of Music


At Baldwin Wallace, 你将在一个充满挑战和激励你走向成功的支持性社区中体验个人和职业的成长.

BW music composition graduates are finding their success.


Rina SugawaraRina Sugawara '14 is pursuing a Master of Music in clarinet performance at the University of Michigan. At BW she had a holistic experience, studying and performing with Cleveland Orchestra members, studying with a Bach scholar and working with renowned composers, conductors and performers.

Keane SouthardKeane Southard '09 is composer intern at Bennington College and a freelance composer and pianist. 在科罗拉多大学博尔德分校获得作曲硕士学位后, he did research in Brazil as a Fulbright Scholar. BW prepared him to conduct research and develop his talent in composition.

Samantha InmanSamantha Inman '07 is lecturer of music theory at the University of North Texas. 她接受的跨音乐学科的训练为她的职业生涯奠定了基础. 在教学过程中,她模仿学院教授的教学方法.

Rob KovacsRob Kovacs '04 是克利夫兰奥罗拉音乐学院的一名自雇音乐家和钢琴老师. 他所受的音乐理论教育帮助他获得了担任伴奏的信心, pit musician, music director, dueling pianist, rock band leader, songwriter, film scorer, composer for e-cards and a lounge pianist.


Matt Chiu

Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music

Matt Chiu

Kent Cleland

Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati–College-Conservatory of Music

Kent Cleland

Jennifer Conner

Lecturer of Music Theory
D.M.A, Composition, Cleveland Institute of Music

Jennifer Conner

Lena Console

Assistant Professor of Music Theory
M.A., Music, Northwestern University

Lena Console

James Hirt

Lecturer of Music History & Literature, Keyboard and Theory
D.M.A., University of Cincinnati–College-Conservatory of Music

James Hirt

Lauren Hodgson

Lecturer of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
M.A., Case Western Reserve University

Lauren Hodgson

Jessica Narum

Associate Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Jessica Narum

Gene Willet

Associate Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Gene Willet

Full-Time Faculty

Matt Chiu
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Rochester, Eastman School of Music

Kent Cleland
Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Cincinnati-College-Conservatory of Music

Lena Console
Assistant Professor of Music Theory
M.A., Music, Northwestern University

Jessica Narum
Associate Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Minnesota

Gene Willet
Associate Professor of Music Theory
Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin

Adjunct Faculty

Jennifer Conner
Lecturer of Music Theory
D.M.A., Cleveland Institute of Music

James Hirt
Lecturer of Music Theory, Keyboard and Music History & Literature
D.M.A., University of Cincinnati-College-Conservatory of Music

Lauren Hodgson
Lecturer of Dalcroze Eurhythmics
M.A., Case Western Reserve University